Stay safe and get a MOH-approved COVID-19 test done in your home. Our swab tests can be readily booked via our website or via WhatsApp.


Get Ready to Travel With Medicaid

Our COVID-19 tests are valid as pre-departure testing as well.
Protect your family and keep your loved ones safe.

Our COVID-19 tests are all MOH-approved.

Reduce your exposure and get your pre-departure tests done at home.

Enjoy special discounted prices and save more when booking as a family.

Options & Pricing

Home Visit



8am – 8pm 8pm – 8am +1 Pax + Express

Supervised Tele-ART



Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)


S$198.00 S$228.00 S$160.00 S$100.00

Antigen Rapid Test (ART)


S$105.00 S$135.00 S$35.00



S$125.00 S$55.00

Vaccination Verification


S$150.00 S$180.00 S$80.00

Book your COVID-19 Tests and Pre-departure Tests (PDT) in the comfort of your home at Medicaid for an exclusive price of S$178.00 for Home PCR Swab Test and S$90.00 for Home ART Swab Test.

Our COVID-19 tests are suitable for pre-event, on-arrival testing (OAT), and pre-departure testing (PDT) for certain destinations, subject to prevailing COVID-19 regulations.

*You may request a COVID-19 recovery memo endorsed by a doctor for an additional fee of S$35.00 when booking a Supervised Tele-ART.

Need a COVID-19 Test?

Types of COVID-19 Tests

Pick from our array of COVID-19 tests performed either in in the comfort of your home.

Antigen Rapid Test (ART) COVID-19 Swab Tests

Screens for SARS-CoV-2, a virus that causes COVID-19. It is a quick screening tool to pick up any possible infection early. Results within 15 to 30 min.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) COVID-19 Swab Tests

The most accurate and definitive test for COVID-19 that directly detects the presence of the COVID-19 antigen in an individual. Results will be out between 24 to 48 hours. You may also opt for Express processing for a faster processing time.

Supervised Tele-ART

Skip the trip to a Quick Test Centre or GP for a supervised swab. Get your supervised self-swab COVID-19 ART done over a video consultation with Medicaid.

Saliva PCR

Compared to the usual ART and PCR tests, saliva PCRs are less traumatising for children and the elderly as it is non-invasive and less uncomfortable. Results within 24 to 48 hours.

Serology Tests

Serology tests are blood tests. It checks for previous SARS-CoV-2 infection as part of epidemiological investigations. Venous blood will be sent to a lab, and results will be out in 24 to 48 hours.

Need a COVID-19 Test?

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